Press Release
NEW YORK, March 11, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Backed by more than 1,200 of America’s “Top Doctors,” #Vaccinate4Love: Doctors’ Orders, a new grassroots campaign aimed at overcoming Covid-19 vaccine hesitancy among minority communities, launches today.
Dr. Jacqueline Jones, an ear, nose, and throat surgeon in Manhattan and Brooklyn, one of the country’s “Top Doctors,” and co-founder of Vaccinate4Love, says: “There is no way medical professionals can predict the degree of severity of Covid-19 on each individual. Some people in their twenties can contract the virus and their symptoms are no more severe than the common cold. For others in the same age group with the similar profiles, the disease can be fatal. There’s only one way to make this terrible disease go away,” Dr. Jones continues. “As a community, as a nation, as a world, for our loved ones, we all need to vaccinate.” …read more»
Top Doctors
As the nation’s Top Doctors, we believe in the vaccines’ safety and effectiveness. So get vaccinated. For our loved ones, our friends and the world.